Public Exhibition
Council places important Council policies, documents and development proposals on public exhibition, in accordance with legislative requirements and resolutions of Council:
To provide members of the public with information regarding these important matters.
To allow members of the public to provide feedback to Council before final decisions are made by Council on these matters.
If you wish to lodge a submission/comment/objection with Council in relation to a matter currently on public exhibition, it must be received by Council within the exhibition period.
Please post your submission/comment/objection to;
Lachlan Shire Council
PO BOX 216
Or Email:
The lodging of a submission/comment/objection with Council is voluntary. However, if you do not choose to lodge a submission/comment/objection, your views may not be taken into account by Council in relation to the matter in which you are interested.
Please note that information collected by Council in relation to development applications and associated documents, including public submissions relating to development applications, is open access information that can be obtained by members of the public under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
All other information collected by Council can be accessed by you or other members of the public in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and Council's Privacy Management Plan.
What's On Public Exhibition
There are currently no items on Public Exhibition.