Economic Development Strategy
Lachlan Shire Council, with support from Commonwealth and NSW governments through the Murray Darling Basin Fund, has facilitated the development of the Lachlan Economic Development Strategy 2020 to ensure that the region continues to provide for the local community. The Strategy aims to create a more connected business community by strengthening the foundations for economic growth and fostering the high growth sectors of Agriculture, Manufacturing, Transport and Tourism.
The Lachlan Economic Development Strategy is viewed as a flexible document that recognises the need for participation and partnerships to achieve the desired outcomes. It will also allow Lachlan Shire Council to facilitate and support actions that reflect changes in economic conditions and meet the needs of the business community.
This Strategy complements a range of key strategic planning documents including "Living Lachlan Style 2024" the community’s vision for the future. The community and Council recognise the importance of ensuring a robust and sustainable business sector which creates employment opportunities for local residents and assists in attracting new residents and industry to the region.
The Strategy places importance on the high-value industries of Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism and Transport that have an existing capability and represent the highest potential for generating economic outcomes for the region. Engagement undertaken in the formation of the Strategy also identifies the need to strengthen the key foundations for economic growth in terms of education, health and infrastructure.
The Strategy’s implementation and long term success is dependent on the adequate resourcing for the initiatives contained within the implementation plan.
The Strategy recognises the important contribution both state government agencies and industry will contribute to achieve the community’s vision. Lachlan Shire Council will actively collaborate, facilitate and partner with various government agencies to drive outcomes of the Plan.
Lachlan-Economic-Development-Strategy.pdf(PDF, 2MB)