Road Works and Closures

Road Condition Report

Council update the Road Condition Report that can be found below, advising motorists of the road conditions within the Lachlan Shire area.

Lachlan Shire has a vast network of roads to maintain that can be affected by trees falling during storms, flash flooding and rising rivers. Motorists are advised to drive to the conditions, if you find anything in your travels please contact council.

Road Condition Report 10 January 2025(PDF, 150KB)

All unsealed roads are now open.

Motorists are asked to use extreme caution when travelling on roads and causeways impacted by flood and storms.

It is an offence to remove or relocate closed road signs. This puts other motorists at risk. Offenders can be prosecuted by the NSW Police Force.

The information provided is updated as changes occur to the road network. If it has not been updated, the conditions are considered the same.

For further information please contact Lachlan Shire Council Infrastructure Services Department on 02 6895 1900 or check out Lachlan Shire Council’s Facebook page.

Scheduled Roadworks and Road Closures

Temporary Road Closure - Officers Parade Condobolin

Road works in Officers Parade are planned from Tuesday 11th February 2025 through to Thursday 13th February 2025. Work will be carried out between the hours of 8.00am to 5.00pm(weather permitting) in the part of Officers Parade as shown on the map below.


Traffic control will be in place directing traffic for the duration of the works. Access will be provided to properties impacted by the work zone.

For the safety of motorists, workers and nearby residents, you are advised to follow traffic control and signage in place during the works. Council will make every effort to minimise disruption to neighbouring properties.

For all enquiries in relation to these works please contact Council’s Infrastructure Services Department on 02 6895 1900. Council apologises for any inconvenience these works may cause


Temporary road closure - Level crossing Silos Road Condobolin

Silos Road Condobolin will be temporarily closed to allow construction work to be carried out on the level crossing adjacent to Condobolin Grain Corp Facility and Kiacatoo Road.

Work will commence on Monday, 22 July 2024 and will be ongoing for the foreseeable future (weather permitting).

For the safety of motorists and workers, detours will be in place during the work.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Lachlan Shire Council Infrastructure Services Department on 02 6895 1900.