Making a Submission
Who can make a submission on a Development Application?
Anyone may make a submission on a development application, particularly if you feel that your property or locality may be affected by a proposed development.
How should a submission be made?
Submissions must be in writing and should relate directly to what is proposed in the application and its possible impact on surrounding property, the locality or you. Council staff can assist you when viewing the application and can answer questions on specific technical issues. Staff are not in a position to comment on the merits of the proposal at notification stage nor is it appropriate that they assist you in formulating your objection or support.
A submission can be lodged in writing via a letter to PO Box 216 Condobolin NSW 2877 or email
Who can I talk to about my submission?
You can contact the assessment officer assigned to the Development Application.
How long do I have to make a submission?
Refer to Council's website for submission closing times. All submissions must be received by 4:00pm on the last date of the exhibition period.
Can I make a late submission?
Does the number of submissions that Council receives determine the outcome of the application?
Generally, the number of submissions received in response to a Development Application does not have a bearing on the outcome of the application. The matters raised in the submissions and the potential impacts of the development are of primary importance.
Will my submission remain confidential?
Submissions will be made public in accordance with Schedule 1 Part 3 Clause 1(a)(vi) of the GIPA Regulations 2009 as applicable, including both the substance of the objection and the identity of the objector. For assistance with this please call Council on 02 6895 1900.
What happens after I make a submission?
Council will acknowledge receipt of your submission. Your submission will be considered by Council staff during assessment of the development application and determination process.
If the application is required to go before a Council meeting for determination, you will be advised of the time and date of the Council meeting, where you may also be able to address the Council.
You will be able to access a copy of the determination notice on Council's website approximately one week following the determination. If approval is granted, the notice sets out conditions imposed by Council in relation to the development. If the application is refused, the notice sets out the reasons for the refusal.
How is a decision made?
Development Applications must be considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the planning instruments and policies of Council. In determining a Development Application, Council considers the following matters;
- Provisions of the relevant planning instruments and policies
- Likely impacts of the proposed development
- Suitability of the site for the proposal
- All submissions regarding the proposal that have been made in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act and Regulation
- The public interest.
Council's local planning instruments and policies may be found on here.
For further information please contact Council’s Environment and Planning Department on 02 6895 1950.